The World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action (WABA) is a global network of individuals
& organisations concerned with the protection, promotion & support of breastfeeding worldwide.
WABA action is based on the Innocenti Declaration, the Ten Links for Nurturing the Future and the
Global Strategy for Infant & Young Child Feeding. WABA is in consultative status with UNICEF & an NGO
in Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations (ECOSOC).


Eighteen themes were identified to be the core issues revolving breastfeeding. These were dealt with primarily through workshops at the 5-day Forum. You can read more on the themes and view the presentations, if available, by clicking on the respective themes below.

On the last day of the Forum, the facilitators of each of the theme shared at the final plenary the outcomes and recommendations for the respective themes. Click here to view the RECOMMENDATIONS FROM WABA GLOBAL FORUM 2.


1. National Breastfeeding Promotion Mechanisms
     Dr. Arun Gupta, BPNI, India

2. Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI)
     Dr. Audrey Naylor, Wellstart International, USA
    Pauline Kisanga, IBFAN Africa

3. International Code
   Yeong Joo Kean and Annelies Allain, IBFAN/ICDC Penang

4. Women and Work 
     Amal Omer Salim, IMCH/WABA Task Force on Women and Work, Sweden 

     Pamela Morrison, IBCLC, Zimbabwe
    Dr. Ted Greiner, WABA Task Force on Research, Sweden

6. Breastfeeding and the Environment
     Susan Siew, WABA, Malaysia
    Prof. Penny Van Esterik, York University, Canada

7. Outreach to Women's Groups
     Marta Trejos, CEFEMINA Costa Rica
    Lakshmi Menon, WABA, India 
    Sarah Amin, WABA, Malaysia

8. Global Initiative for Mother Support (GIMS)
     Rebecca Magalhães, LLLI/WABA Task Force on Mother Support, USA

9. Globalisation
     Elisabeth Sterken, INFACT Canada

10. Popular Mobilisation
       Beth Styer, WABA, USA
      Sarah Amin, WABA, Malaysia

11. Birthing Practices
       Mary Kroeger, CIMS/WABA Task Force on Health Care Practices, USA

12. Human Rights
       Prof. George Kent, University of Hawai'i /WABA Task Force on 
      Children's Nutrition Rights, USA

13. Humanitarian Assistance/Emergencies
       Lida Lhotska, IBFAN/GIFA, Switzerland 

14. Research
       Dr. Ted Greiner, WABA Task Force on Research, Sweden
      Stina Almroth, India 

15. Information, Education, Communication / Information Technology
       Andrew Chetley, Health Exchange, UK
      Dr. Rob Vincent, Health Exchange, UK

16. Integrated Early Childhood Development
       Dr. Miriam Labbok, UNICEF New York 

17. Lactation Management
       Jacquie Nutt, IBCLC, LLLI, South Africa 

18. Men's Only Forum
Per Gunnar Engblom, Sweden

      Workshop on Other Issues

      Launch of the Golden Bow Initiative

1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  Other Issues

World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action
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