Joint Statement from WABA & LLLI in celebration of World Health Day 7 April 2017 Anyone can suffer from depression, including mothers and their children. A mother suffering from depression will find it more challenging to care for her child2.…
CSW 2017- Joint statement from ILCA and WABA

The World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action and the International Lactation Consultant Association believe that actions to enhance paid parental leave and support for breastfeeding are essential to making women’s economic empowerment in the changing workforce. Read the full statement from…
Planet 50-50: Stepping up SRHR through Parental Social Protection

International Women’s Day 2017 Joint statement by WABA, Asian-Pacific Resource and Research Centre for Women (ARROW) and Center for Women’s Health and Wellness, University of North Carolina The world of work is changing, with significant changes for women. The…

In 1990, a group of policy and decision-makers, advocates and activists came together and produced a framework to protect, promote and support breastfeeding – the Innocenti Declaration 1990. The Declaration called on all governments to create an enabling environment for…
Happy New Year!

We send you our best wishes for the New Year! 2016 was an exciting year for WABA. We celebrated our Silver Anniversary, marking 25 years of working to protect, promote and support breastfeeding. The occasion also gave us a chance…
WABA 2016 World AIDS Day Statement

Hands Up for Prevention WABA celebrates World AIDS Day on 1 December. We join the “Hands Up Campaign”1 to support early testing, diagnosis and treatment of all people living with HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) in order to maximise prevention of both horizontal…
Working with the Code

video from Dr Helen Crawley’s presentation at the BFI UK 2015 conference with additional discussion outline and session organiser material is now available
Congratulations on IBFAN’s 37th Anniversary

Dear IBFAN Global Council members and all our IBFAN colleagues, WABA congratulates the International Baby Food Action Network (IBFAN) on its’ 37th Anniversary, on 12 October 2016. IBFAN and WABA both work on improving breastfeeding rates worldwide through the protection,…
New General Comment on Rural Women Following IBFAN-GIFA’s joint advocacy with other public interest NGOs and social movements, the Committee on the Elimination of all Discrimination against Women (CEDAW Committee) has released its new General Recommendation No 34 on Rural Women which, among other recommendations,…
Recommendations of the Committee on the Rights of the Child From 11 to 29 January 2016, the CRC Committee held its 71st session and reviewed the implementation of the Convention in Benin, Brunei Darussalam, France, Haiti, Iran, Ireland, Kenya, Latvia, Maldives, Oman, Peru, Senegal,…