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World Alliance for
Breastfeeding Action

Healthy Documents - A source of important documents and instruments that impact on peoples' health.
A source of important documents and instruments that impact on peoples' health.



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Special thanks to the following people for their comments and suggestions on the draft publication:

  • Ted Griener, Section of International Maternal and Child Health (IMCH), Uppsala University, Sweden

  • James Orbinski, Medicins Sans Frontiers, Belgium

  • Rob Moodie, Vic Health, Australia

  • Mira Shiva, Voluntary Health Association of India, New Delhi

  • Jorg Schaaberm, Buko Pharma, Germany, and

  • All participants at the people's Health Assembly who gave input to the Healthy Documents.

And deepest appreciation to:

  • Anwar Fazal for his great ideas and encouragement

  • Sarah Amin for helping to shape this publication with ideas and materials

  • Raja Abdul Razak and Liew Mun Tip for information search and production assistance

  • Cecilia Mak for designing this publication

  • Rima Kashyap for her editorial comments, and

  • Juliet Maben for secretarial help.

The WABA Secretariat would like to thank Lakshmi Menon especially for compiling and putting together this resource. Lakshmi Menon is a trained librarian with over 25 years experience in academic libraries and development organisations. She has devised a classification system with a feminist perspective and has helped set up appropriate information systems in India and abroad. Her main field of interest is information dissemination which she does through research and publications which include: 

Pests at Home: a consumer guide to safer pest control; 

Organising Strategies in Women's Health: an information and action handbook; 

The Akshara Handbook: an alternative classification and documentation system; 

Asia-Pacific Post-Beijing Implementation Monitor: Health; 

Understanding Urbanisation: a sourcebook; 

Gender Training Assessment: a report and handbook; 

Laypersons' Guide to Medicines. 

She is also actively involved in the consumer, health and women's movement.

Published by
World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action (WABA)
PO Box 1200, 10850 Penang, Malaysia
Tel: (604) 658 4816 Fax: (604) 657 2655

web site 

Copyright © WABA 2001

First Printing, July 2001
ISBN 983-99192-5-3
Printed in Malaysia

Note: All information contained in this publication is correct at the time of printing. Although all reasonable care has been taken in the preparation of this book, the publisher is not liable for any inaccuracy, error or omission in the information contained herein. The publisher will be grateful for any information that will assist them in keeping future editions up to date.

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- Rehydration Project

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Exchange - A Networking and learning programme on health communication.


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Healthy Documents - A source of important documents and instruments that impact on peoples' health.Healthy Documents
World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action (WABA)
P O Box 1200, 10850 Penang, Malaysia  •  Tel: +60 4 658 4816  •  Fax: +60 4 657 2655
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© 2012 World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action