WHO visits WABA

WABA was honoured by the visit of Dr. Shin Young-Soo, WHO Regional Director of the Western Pacific on 4th November 2015 at its Secretariat in Penang.

IMG_2385-2Accompanying Dr Shin, were Dr. Graham Harrisson-WHO Representative to Malaysia, Brunei and Singapore and government representatives from Malaysia, which included Datuk Dr. Noor Hisham Abdullah-Director General of Health of Malaysia, Puan Rokiah Don-Director of Nutrition Division, Ministry of Health, Dato’ Dr. Hajjah Zailan Bt. Dato’ Hj Adnan, Director, Penang State Health and Dr. Noor Haliza Yussoff, Head of the National Lactation Centre.

They were welcomed and given an overview of WABA’s history by WABA’s Chairperson Emeritus, Dato’ (Dr.) Anwar Fazal and Chairperson, Dr. Felicity Savage. This was followed with briefing on WABA’s current work programme by WABA Co-Executive Directors’ Dr. Amal Omer-Salim and Jay Sharma. Dr. Shin was happy to be able to meet the WABA team and visit the Secretariat from where WABA’s global coordination work takes place.

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