IBFAN-GIFA raises lack of compliance with the International Code and informs shareholders about the release of the movie Tigers at Nestlé’s AGM

At Nestlé’s latest Annual General Meeting, the Geneva Infant Feeding Association (IBFAN-GIFA) raised attention about the movie Tigers, based on the true story of a former Nestlé’s sales representative for baby foods, Mr. Aamir Raza, who resigned after becoming aware of the adverse impact of infant formula on child’s health. IBFAN-GIFA noted that the stand taken by Mr. Raza, was officially acknowledged and supported by Canada’s Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism. GIFA further recalled that Nestlé’s advertising is deceiving many mothers and urged the company to finally bring its policies and practices into line with the International Code of Breastmilk Substitutes.Read more about it here