The Power of Role Models for Breastfeeding “What you leave behind is not what is engraved in stone monuments, but what is woven into the lives of others.”—Pericles, Ancient Greek Statesman. This issue of the Breastfeeding Mother Support E-Newsletter, Vol 16,…
ILCA, ABM, and WABA Joint Statement for the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW62)
Empowerment of rural women and girls: How breastfeeding and skilled lactation support can empower rural women and improve health outcomes Breastfeeding empowers women, including rural women and girls, to provide their children with optimal nutrition, improve child survival, and promote…
WABA statement for International Women’s Day 2018

Empower Everyone: Breastfeeding and the Transformation of Women’s Lives Scaling up breastfeeding could prevent 823,000 annual deaths in children under 5 years and 20,000 annual deaths from breast cancer among other well documented benefits1. Breastfeeding also provides a strong…
Statement for International Day of Action for Women’s Health 2017
Yes to breastfeeding rights, no to all violence! “Breastfeeding is a key element in cultivating concern and respect for each other and the world we share”. Did you know that obstetric violence can also negatively affect breastfeeding practices? Current socio-medical…
Letter of support to the International Confederation of Midwives (ICM) on the International Day of the Midwife 2017
Dear ICM colleagues, The World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action (WABA) sends you felicitations on the 2017 International Day of the Midwife. The theme “Midwives, Mothers and Families: Partners for Life!” is certainly one that we endorse and support. Breastfeeding is best sustained through…
WABA statement for Labour Day 2017
Achieving gender equality by sharing the care work– Is parental leave legislation the only solution? There is no country in the world where men and boys share the unpaid domestic and care work equally with women and girls1. Globally, women…
We are exhibiting at Women Deliver 2016

WABA team will be setting up an exhibiting booth at the Women Deliver Conference which will be held in Copenhagen from 16–19 May 2016. Please come to visit us at our booth and meet WABA team. More information on Women…
Why paid maternity leave is a smart business move

by CBS Sunday Morning America is one of only two nations in the world that does not legally require paid leave for new mothers. YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki tells “Sunday Morning” why California business owners are learning that paid maternity…
Increasing paid maternity leave can save infant lives

New research from McGill University and UCLA shows that increasing paid maternity leave can save infant lives. Use this evidence to advocate for increased paid maternity leave. It can be done and has significant benefits for all of society. McGill University professor…
Planet 50-50 by 2030: Step It Up for Gender Equality
WABA statement on International Women’s Day 8 March 2016 We know now that without gender equality and a full role for women in society, in the economy, in governance, we will not be able to achieve the world we hoped…