The Power of Role Models for Breastfeeding “What you leave behind is not what is engraved in stone monuments, but what is woven into the lives of others.”—Pericles, Ancient Greek Statesman. This issue of the Breastfeeding Mother Support E-Newsletter, Vol 16,…
Breastfeeding Mother Support E-Newsletter (Spanish V15N2)
SABIDURÍA generacional: Abuelas y lactancia “El calor de su cuerpo en el mio y la mirada de su rostro mientras se alimenta, no tiene precio… hace que el mundo se detenga un rato cada vez que. ” Proyecto de…
Supporting Breastfeeding: Let’s Make It Happen

Mothers’ all over the world need support in the form of sharing the care responsibilities and balancing work life. Motherhood transforms women in so many ways and is an intense journey. Being a mother is at once dignified; exhilarating and…
WABA statement for International Women’s Day 2018

Empower Everyone: Breastfeeding and the Transformation of Women’s Lives Scaling up breastfeeding could prevent 823,000 annual deaths in children under 5 years and 20,000 annual deaths from breast cancer among other well documented benefits1. Breastfeeding also provides a strong…
Breastfeeding Mother Support E-Newsletter (English V15N2)
Generational WISDOM: Grandmothers and Breastfeeding “The warmth of her body on mine and the look on her face while feeding, it’s priceless… it makes the world stop for a while every time.” Tammy Photography Walks of Motherhood Project (2015) It…
Boletim de Apoio ao Aleitamento Materno (Portuguese V15N1)
Trabalhando JUNTOS para criar PARCEIROS “Existem muitas barreiras para as mães que querem amamentar. Elas não deveriam conseguir fazê-lo sozinhas. Se você é um médico, um familiar, um amigo ou um empresário, pode ser muito importante para ajudar as mães…
Bulletin pour le soutien à l’allaitement maternel (Français V15N1)
Travailler ENSEMBLE et créer des PARTENARIATS « Les femmes qui allaitent doivent franchir de nombreux obstacles. Il n’est pas normal qu’elles doivent le faire seules. Que vous soyez leur médecin, un membre de leur famille, un proche ou leur employeur(employeuse), vous…
Boletín de Apoyo a la Lactancia Materna (Español V15N1)
Trabajando JUNTOS para crear SOCIOS “Existen muchas barreras para las madres que quieren amamantar. No deberían tener que hacerlo solas. Si usted es un clínico, un familiar, un amigo o un empleador, puede ser muy importante para brindar ayuda a…
Breastfeeding Mother Support E-Newsletter (English V15N1)
Working TOGETHER Creating PARTNERSHIPS “Many barriers exist for mothers who want to breastfeed. They shouldn’t have to go it alone. Whether you’re a clinician, a family member, a friend, or an employer, you can play an important part in helping…
Statement for International Day of Action for Women’s Health 2017
Yes to breastfeeding rights, no to all violence! “Breastfeeding is a key element in cultivating concern and respect for each other and the world we share”. Did you know that obstetric violence can also negatively affect breastfeeding practices? Current socio-medical…