“I was thrilled and happy when I found out I was going to be a dad says Perapat, a shop owner. I wasn’t allowed to be in the delivery room because it was a caesarean section, so I was waiting…
Fathers – Team Players in Family Life!

“I was thrilled and happy when I found out I was going to be a dad says Perapat, a shop owner. I wasn’t allowed to be in the delivery room because it was a caesarean section, so I was waiting…
“Super Dads” share the care work and support breastfeeding “Every kid needs protection, love, good food and play to support growth and development, and it’s up to both parents to provide these.” UNICEF Ambassador Sachin Tendulkar The role of fathers…
Fathers are increasingly rejecting their stereotyped role of just being a breadwinner. Many fathers actively take on care responsibilities. They know that this is the right thing to do and that being engaged in care brings other benefits, to them…
So what’s a Superdad? It’s a dad who plays his important part in family life. And yes, that includes being involved in taking care of children, sharing the housework and not being afraid to love! WABA celebrates this Father’s…
On Tuesday, June 16, 2015 the first-ever State Of The World’s Fathers report was released through a campaign called MenCare, which was coordinated by nonprofits Promundo and Sonke Gender Justice.