Obituary and tributes.
Miriam Harriet Labbok, MD, MPH, IBCLC ….. in memoriam

Obituary and tributes.
And increasingly, it is clear that breastfeeding is not only the cornerstone of a child’s healthy development; it is also the foundation of a country’s development.
“Miriam has dedicated her career to enabling women and children to attain optimal health through breastfeeding,” said Alison Stuebe, MD, Distinguished Scholar of Infant and Young Child Feeding in the Gillings School’s Department of Maternal and Child Health. “She is…
Breastfeeding and infant growth outcomes in the context of intensive peer counselling support in two communities in Bangladesh
– visionary physician and teacher “She also carried with her a sense of humour and I will never forget how at one of the global conferences she was introduced as an illustrious paediatrician, professor and advocate …and up came to…
Fathers are increasingly rejecting their stereotyped role of just being a breadwinner. Many fathers actively take on care responsibilities. They know that this is the right thing to do and that being engaged in care brings other benefits, to them…
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WABA team will be setting up an exhibiting booth at the Women Deliver Conference which will be held in Copenhagen from 16–19 May 2016. Please come to visit us at our booth and meet WABA team. More information on Women…
by CBS Sunday Morning America is one of only two nations in the world that does not legally require paid leave for new mothers. YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki tells “Sunday Morning” why California business owners are learning that paid maternity…
New research from McGill University and UCLA shows that increasing paid maternity leave can save infant lives. Use this evidence to advocate for increased paid maternity leave. It can be done and has significant benefits for all of society. McGill University professor…