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We want YOU to get involved in the protection, promotion and support of breastfeeding. Find information and materials relevant to your work.


Did you know?

Involved and caring fatherhood, in addition to equitable relationships between men and women, help create a future where all win. Family members, particularly fathers, can support breastfeeding by sharing the care and domestic work

WABA calls on Men to:

  • Be aware of the negative influence of industry promotion practices on breastfeeding
  • Play a proactive role in the decision to breastfeed and attend antenatal and postnatal classes to learn more about breastfeeding
  • Promote the participation of men in parenting and domestic responsibilities including providing emotional support to their partners
  • Empower breastfeeding mothers by raising awareness of and maintaining optimum breastfeeding practices
  • Form a network with other fathers and family members within the community to support breastfeeding mothers

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