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We want YOU to get involved in the protection, promotion and support of breastfeeding. Find information and materials relevant to your work.

Young Person

Did you know?

Young people are particularly good at developing innovative approaches and using diverse mediums that can create an enabling environment for women to breastfeed. Their role within the community enables young people to become active advocates for breastfeeding.

WABA calls on Young People to:

  • Engage peers, identify allies and work together to bring about attitudinal change
  • Talk to others about why breastfeeding matters, not only for health and wellbeing, but also for the environment, rights and social advancement
  • Participate in providing support for family members who are breastfeeding
  • Encourage breastfeeding education across the curriculum in schools and universities
  • Connect with communicators and influencers to share vital messages and raise awareness of breastfeeding

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