The Power of Role Models for Breastfeeding “What you leave behind is not what is engraved in stone monuments, but what is woven into the lives of others.”—Pericles, Ancient Greek Statesman. This issue of the Breastfeeding Mother Support E-Newsletter, Vol 16,…
A WALL OF SUPPORT FOR BREASTFEEDING – ACHIEVING THE NEW NORMAL -WABA perspectives on the “US versus Breastfeeding” debate- What do Botswana, Canada, Gambia, Georgia, Ghana, Kenya, Mexico, Mozambique, Namibia, Nepal, Pakistan, Panama, Russian Federation, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Sri Lanka,…
Understanding International Policy on HIV and Breastfeeding: A Comprehensive Resource

This Kit (2nd Edition, 2018) provides an overview of infant feeding in the context of HIV, based on current evidence (2018). The Kit contains information, issues to think about and discuss, actions to take and references. The Kit may serve…
Breastfeeding Mother Support E-Newsletter (Spanish V15N2)
SABIDURÍA generacional: Abuelas y lactancia “El calor de su cuerpo en el mio y la mirada de su rostro mientras se alimenta, no tiene precio… hace que el mundo se detenga un rato cada vez que. ” Proyecto de…
Fathers – Team Players in Family Life!

“I was thrilled and happy when I found out I was going to be a dad says Perapat, a shop owner. I wasn’t allowed to be in the delivery room because it was a caesarean section, so I was waiting…
Breastfeeding Mother Support E-Newsletter (Arabic V15N2)
حكم تتناقلها الأجيال: الجدات والرضاعة الطبيعية “ إن دفء جسدها على جسدي والنظرة التي تعلو وجهها أثناء الرضاعة لا تقدر بثمن… فهي تجعل العالم يتوقف قليلًا كل مرة.” مشروع مناحي الأمومة من تامي للتصوير (2015) من العادات الشائعة والتقليدية أن…
Breastfeeding Mother Support E-Newsletter (French V15N2)
SAGESSE intergénérationnelle : Grand-mères et allaitement “La chaleur de son petit corps blotti sur le mien et l’expression qui se lit sur son visage pendant la tétée, ça n’a pas de prix… le monde s’arrête pendant quelques minutes chaque…
Yes to Breastfeeding, No to Plastic Pollution!
“Beat Plastic Pollution”, the theme for World Environment Day 2018, is a call to action for all of us to come together to combat one of the greater environmental challenges of our time. The theme invites us to consider how…
Supporting Breastfeeding: Let’s Make It Happen

Mothers’ all over the world need support in the form of sharing the care responsibilities and balancing work life. Motherhood transforms women in so many ways and is an intense journey. Being a mother is at once dignified; exhilarating and…
Advancing Parental Social Protection for All

Labour day statement 2018 Advancing Parental Social Protection for All “Social protection policies not only protect people from various shocks across the life cycle, but also play a key role in boosting domestic demand and productivity, supporting structural transformation of…