The breastfeeding rights of working women is an issue that has been at the heart of WABA's concerns since the beginning.
We now know that exclusive breastfeeding for about six months is crucial for the health of mothers and infants everywhere, not just among those who do not have access to clean water and can't afford artificial breastmilk substitutes.
But we also know that everywhere women are entering the work force in greater numbers and need special support to be able to breast feed exclusively.
Check in this website what WABA is doing to support breastfeeding women at work and what YOU can do.
You might want to start by checking out the situation in your country. In
these Country Situation Files you will find basic information on nearly
every country in the world on breastfeeding rates, working women and
maternity protection benefits, with sources listed.
Women & Work Workshop and Final Outcomes at the WABA Global Forum 2, 23-27 Sept 2002, Arusha, Tanzania
Outcomes from the Strengthening Maternity Protection Seminar at the GIMS Asia-Pacific Conference 21-25 April 2002, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Click here to read a new ILO Convention on Health and Safety in Agriculture (C-184; R-192) - ILO Conference, 4-22 June 2001 by GIFA-IBFAN.
Click here to go to the International Labour Organisation (ILO) website.