Breastfeeding Women and Work:
from Human Rights to Creative Solutions.
WABA International Workshop
Quezon City, Philippines, 1-5 June 1998
Arugaan - How to set up a creche
Child-Friendly Movement in the Philippines - Dr. Meera Shekar, UNICEF Manila
Children's Rights to the Highest Attainable Standard of Health - David Clark, UNICEF NY
A Critique and Challenge Regarding Maternal Legislation - Bobbie Jopson - Workers' Foundation of the Philippines (WFP) Kababaihan (Congress of Women)
GINAN (Ghana market women) - Charlotte Acquah
How can we increase the father's involvement in child care? - Ted Greiner, Uppsala University, Sweden
Human Rights & Long-term Solutions - Ted Greiner, Uppsala University, Sweden
Networking and Tools for Advocacy - Luz Rimban from the Philippine Center for Investigative Journalism
Principles of Mother-Friendly Workplaces - Penny Van Esterik, York University, Canada
Teen mothers in a Canadian First Nation town - Pat Martens, doctoral candidate at the University of Manitoba
Women and Work: History and Development - Marianita Villariba, ISIS
Women, Working and Breastfeeding in the South Pacific - Judith Galtry