The World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action (WABA) is a global network of individuals
& organisations concerned with the protection, promotion & support of breastfeeding worldwide.
WABA action is based on the Innocenti Declaration, the Ten Links for Nurturing the Future and the
Global Strategy for Infant & Young Child Feeding. WABA is in consultative status with UNICEF & an NGO
in Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations (ECOSOC).

Three main arguments are made against strengthening maternity protection, that is, providing mothers with entitlements that fulfill the right to be with their children and breast feed exclusively in the months after birth: 

1. "This will lead to higher fertility rates and population explosion!" 

NO says the United Nations Population Fund . Read their response to an MPC request for their opinion on this issue.  

2. "If women given more 'benefits' then there will be more discrimination against them in the work place!" 

Maternity protection is, like breastfeeding itself, not a 'benefit' but a RIGHT! But this is a serious problem, and one we need to continue to struggle against. See an ILO report on how ILO member States treat mothers-to-be. 

3. "We cannot afford it!" 

In the decades before women got the vote in most countries, one of the arguments against it was that elections would cost too much! This sounds silly today only because we recognize voting to be a right and not something that should have a price tag on it! Breastfeeding is a right and working women have this right the same as any other. But there are excellent economic arguments in favor of supporting this right--see the WABA action folder from 1998

But there are excellent economic arguments in favor of supporting this right--see the WABA action folder from 1998 and a Fact Sheet by the Maternity Protection Coalition.

World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action
Site Map PO Box 1200, 10850  Penang, Malaysia  |  Tel: 604-6584816  |  Fax: 604-6572655  |  E-mail:   |