Question #1
"In your experience or in your work, what element or component has the most effective and positive influence on supporting the breastfeeding mother?"
- There is complexity in what influences a mother to make the decision to breastfeed and to continue breastfeeding. There are generational, cultural and environmental elements that positively influence the mother. Some elements emphasized were: traditions, religions, ethnicity, family and community.
- Direct and immediate support in mother support groups/meetings, in hospital settings, through peer counselors, midwives, a phone call, in-person encouragement, a human touch or a helping hand.
- Getting off to a good start with breastfeeding right after the birth of the baby. When a mother has a positive experience once, the next time she will trust her body, her senses and her baby and know that breastfeeding is what is best.
- The importance of national policy and political will.
- Prenatal and postnatal training and education.
Question # 2
"In your opinion, what are the obstacles that hinder or impede a positive breastfeeding experience?"
- Aggressive marketing strategies by formula manufacturers
- Hospital practices that do not facilitate the initiation of breastfeeding
- The Doctor/Physician - not supporting breastfeeding in various ways
- Lack of accurate information available for the mother on and about breastfeeding
- The realities and challenges of the work environment for the employed breastfeeding mother
To quote a participant : "The reality in general is that bottlefeeding neo-culture reigns in both the world of work and home".
Question # 3
"What do you think is the single most effective action worldwide for improving/increasing support (for the breastfeeding mother/baby)?"
- Mother Support Groups available to every mother on this earth!
Where :
-Mothers learn about their babies' feeding needs and how breastfeeding satisfies these needs.
- Mothers will be well oriented and well informed.
The creation of mother & baby breastfeeding friendly communities and environments
- Mothers will learn to give their babies the time both need to learn to breastfeed
To quote a participant: " The cre ation of small mother support groups is the most sustainable mother support; it enables breastfeeding success to recapture a breastfeeding culture "
- Recapture and re-energize the Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative
- BFHI plays a role in improving and increasing breastfeeding support
- BFHI raises the profile of breastfeeding in the community
- Breastfeeding is a mandatory subject in schools and in universities.
Question #4
"In what way could we collaborate in order to get international recognition for the need for mother support?"
- Host a Conference
- Create partnerships with International Agencies, Governments, UNICEF, World Bank, WHO, ILO, and other agencies and institutions
- Advocate for assistance from our respective Governments and from International Organizations
- Formulate policy that supports and protects breastfeeding
- Strengthen existing regulations and laws that further our goals
- Analyze the Millennium Development Goals together
- Disseminate information together (as a group)
- Work together to see that the Initiatives and Actions of the Global Strategy are put into effect
Following the Summit , form a working group to continue these dialogues/exchanges of ideas.
To quote a participant: " We need to speak the same language until breastfeeding babies and the needs of babies and mothers get registered at every level." "