New EU Ruling Could Trick Parents Into Buying Products That Will Fuel The Obesity Crisis
Baby Milk Action UK Press Release decrying new rules on baby formulas and foods forced through by the European Commission… more
Baby Milk Action UK Press Release decrying new rules on baby formulas and foods forced through by the European Commission… more
WABA report on the Stockholm Symposium held to address the challenge of implementing maternity protection and other measures for both… more
Joint FIAN IBFAN Statement welcoming the Committee’s decision to develop a General Comment on the Rights of Adolescents and call… more
Blog webpage of the Committee on the Rights of the Child featuring the story of how at Nestlé’s latest AGM,… more
IBFAN official response letter after reading Article 1 and Report 2 by authors Dr. Philippe Grandjean, Dr. Brian Bienkowski, whose… more
WABA was honoured by the visit of Dr. Shin Young-Soo, WHO Regional Director of the Western Pacific on 4th November… more
With sufficient political will, there can be virtually zero transmission of the virus from mothers to their children, including through… more
Article in ABM’s Blog site promoting WABA and the WBW 2015 theme by the late Miriam H Labbok, MD, MPH,… more
These Country Charts provide the status of Maternity Protection by country. Ref: WABA | International Baby Food Action Network (IBFAN)
Labour rights are women’s rights too! On the occasion of the International Labour Day 2015, WABA restates the importance of… more