www.ghanaweb.com: Regional News of Sunday, 8
May 2005
Asamankese (E/R), May 8, GNA- The National Co-ordinator of the Breastfeeding
Promotion Committee, Mrs Goskia Alarbi, has stressed the need for lactating
mothers to adopt the exclusive breastfeeding policy to reduce under-five
mortality rate in the country. According to her, gains had been made in the past
in the reduction of children who died before they were five years when the
exclusive Breastfeeding Promotion Regulation(BPR) policy was
Mrs Alarbi stated that the latest report of the Ghana
Demographic and Health Survey(GDHS), showed that the under-five mortality rate
had gone up compared to the last ten years of the promotion of the breast
feeding policy. According to her, the World Health Organization's (WHO)
Demographic Health Survey(DHS), on Ghana showed that exclusive breast feeding
for six months had the advantage to reduce under five mortality in children by
thirteen per cent.
Mrs. Alarbi, who was speaking to the GNA after a
five-day monitoring exercise by the Food and Drugs Board(FDB) in the Eastern
Region, emphasised that exclusive breast feeding was the "surest way for
reducing infant under five mortality and morbidity" and underscored the need for
the Legislative Instrument(LI) on the policy to be enforced against the
violation of the practice. According to the 2003 report on Ghana's infant and
child mortality (under-five), 177 children in every 1000 live births died before
five years while 84 died before one year, indicating a slowing down in the
mortality rate compared to previous reports. Mrs. Alarbi said studies showed
that for babies born to HIV-infected mothers, the use of niverapine drug
combined with baby formulas to prevent mother-to-child transmission, could
reduce child mortality to only two per cent of under-five mortality and
morbidity while the use of insecticide-treated bed nets could reduce it by six
per cent. Stressing the need for all violations of the BPR to be enforced, Mrs.
Alarbi said, statistics showed that the infant mortality rate, which occurred in
children under-one was also soaring because of the practice of mixed feeding
with baby formulas.
"That aspect tells the relevance of exclusive
breastfeeding in fighting mortality in children which has become a serious issue
in the country," adding that it is therefore incumbent on all health
stakeholders to see to it that exclusive breastfeeding was practiced,
notwithstanding the challenges.
Mrs. Alarbi called for stringent measures
in enforcing the ban on baby food companies to stop the promotion of the sale of
their products to ensure that the exclusive breastfeeding was practiced. She was
of the view that though, manufacturers could not be banned from production of
such foods, the LI on the breastfeeding promotion frowned on the promotion of
baby formulas in the premises of health facilities and the use of baby pictures
on the products to entice mothers "to believe that those foods were safe for
their consumption".
Source: GNA http://www.ghanaweb.com/GhanaHomePage/NewsArchive/artikel.php?ID=80956