The Thirty-third World Health Assembly,
Recalling resolutions EB45.R9, WHA23.32, EB47.R42, WHA24.48, EB53.R31,
WHA29.55, and WHA31.56 concerning the health hazards of tobacco smoking and
WHO's role in the limitation of this harmful habit;
Noting the report of the WHO Expert Committee on Smoking Control;(
Reiterating its firm conviction that the effect of tobacco smoking is now a major
public health problem in all industrialized countries and in many developing countries
and that it will become so in the near future in all other developing countries unless
action is taken now;
Mindful of the ill-effects of smoking, particularly on risk groups such as pregnant
women, lactating mothers and children;
Seriously concerned about the aggressive promotional drives for the sale of cigarettes
that occur in developing as well as developed countries, thus inducing the new generations
to take up the habit of smoking;
Alarmed by the fact that advertising practices using psychological means in both industrialized
and developing countries have the effect of inducing and perpetuating smoking habits, especially among youth;
Encouraged by the existence of total bans, restrictions or limitations on tobacco advertising
in several countries;
Noting encouraging signs of expanded national activities and of increasing public
awareness of the harmful health effects of cigarette smoking in many countries, partly
as a result of WHO's efforts and of this year's World Health Day on "Smoking or
health: the choice is yours";
Realizing that national and international strategies to combat the spreading of the
habit of smoking must be carried out on a continuous, long-term basis;
Believing that WHO has an essential role to play in promoting effective smoking control
URGES Member States:
(1) to strengthen, and to initiate where lacking, the smoking control strategies
outlined in the above-mentioned resolutions, laying special emphasis on educational
approaches, particularly with respect to youth, and on measures to ban, restrict or limit advertising of tobacco
(2) to support WHO's action in the field of smoking and health;
REQUESTS the Director-General:
(1) to further develop an effective WHO action programme on smoking and
health, clearly defining lines of responsibility and priority areas, and taking
into account the multidisciplinary and intersectoral character of the relationship
between smoking and health;
(2) to ensure that WHO plays a leading role in coordinating international activities
and to strengthen collaboration with other United Nations agencies and
with relevant nongovernmental organizations, and, particularly, to pursue the
study on crop diversification in tobaccogrowing areas in collaboration with
(3) to collaborate with Member States in their efforts to reduce smoking;
(4) to consider problems caused by the marketing and consumption of tobacco,
particularly in developing countries;
(5) to mobilize financial and other resources for the implementation of the
(6) to report on progress of this programme to the Thirty-fifth World Health Assembly.
Hbk Res., Vol. II (3rd ed.), 1.11.6 (Seventeenth plenary meeting, 23 May 1980
- Committee B, seventh report)
For more information and comments, please contact the Tobacco Free Initiative or visit the
TFI contacts page.
Copyright © 2000. All rights reserved.
(1) WHO Technical Report
Series, No. 636, 1979