The World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action (WABA) is a global network of individuals
& organisations concerned with the protection, promotion & support of breastfeeding worldwide.
WABA action is based on the Innocenti Declaration, the Ten Links for Nurturing the Future and the
Global Strategy for Infant & Young Child Feeding. WABA is in consultative status with UNICEF & an NGO
in Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations (ECOSOC).
We are 
But Doug, this isn't going to improve just by getting rid of the ads. I saw how tired my Mom got when Peter, my brother was born.  Every one in the house had to help, if not, she couldn't have  stood it.  My dad talked with me and explained that Mom needed some peace and quiet to be able to breastfeed the baby and I tried not to make noise and cleaned up my room, when my friends came over. 

That's exactly right!  Everyone has to help because if not, who can stand it!  Mothers aren't like the lionesses who lie around all day just taking care of their babies.  They have other children to take care of and they need to think about themselves.and go out to work, too.  My mom goes out to work all day long.  What happened to yours when Pete was born??? 

I forgot to tell you that at her job they wanted her to come back right away, but she said that was out of the question. She had the right to stay home and continue to receive her pay.  So she didn't go back to work until  Pete was 4 months old and she kept on breastfeeding. 

Cool!  From what I learned in my research, she did the best thing.  And you too, giving her support. 

OK Doug, our conversation began with those mammals and now we're here, but I'm wondering what people have to do with all of this? 

© Beatriz & Denise Arcoverde 1999

World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action
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