1 Billion Rising Dance By WABA At Women’s Centre for Chance (WCC) 2013
1 Billion Rising Campaign dance, co-organised by WABA & the Women’s Centre for Chance (WCC) to raise awareness on violence… more
1 Billion Rising Campaign dance, co-organised by WABA & the Women’s Centre for Chance (WCC) to raise awareness on violence… more
WABA and the Women’s Centre for Chance (WCC) held a joint event on 14th Feb 2013 named “1 Billion Rising… more
WABA together with the Women’s Centre for Chance (WCC) and led by Aida Redza (Advocacy and Youth Liaison at WABA)… more
Promotional video celebrating 20 years of WABA’s flagship campaign World Breastfeeding Week, presented at the World Breastfeeding Conference in Delhi… more
A video by WABA intern exploring the best case scenario if breastfeeding were normalised and fully supported across the board,… more
Promotional video on the WABA BAP course which updates and equips participants with skills and knowledge for the coordination of… more
Paper advocating the ratification of ILO Convention C-183 (2000) ‘Maternity Protection At The Workplace’, Briefing Paper and related conventions that… more
Health campaigners including IBFAN welcome the new resolution (WHA 65.6) passed at the 65th World Health Assembly which calls on… more
Getting to zero: health for all HIV-positive mothers and zero HIV-transmission to their babies Ref: WABA
Right to Food and Nutrition Watch 2012 Press Release: Who Decides About Global Food And Nutrition? Strategies to Regain Control.… more