World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action (WABA) is a global network of individuals and organisations dedicated to the protection, promotion and support of breastfeeding worldwide
Who We Are
Our work is based on the Innocenti Declarations, the Ten Links for Nurturing the Future and the WHO/UNICEF Global Strategy for Infant and Young Child Feeding.
WABA works closely with many organisations and individuals. Our partners in this effort include: the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine (ABM), International Baby Food Action Network (IBFAN), International Lactation Consultant Association (ILCA), La Leche League International (LLLI), United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), World Health Organization (WHO), and several other international organisations.
To achieve a world where breastfeeding is the cultural norm, where mothers and families are enabled to feed and care optimally for their infants and young children thus contributing to a just and healthy society.
To protect, promote and support breastfeeding worldwide in the framework of the Innocenti Declarations (1990 and 2005) and the Global Strategy for Infant and Young Child Feeding through networking and facilitating collaborative efforts in social mobilisation, advocacy, information dissemination and capacity building.
To foster a strong and cohesive breastfeeding movement, which will act on the various international instruments to create an enabling environment for mothers, thus contributing to increasing optimal breastfeeding and infant and young child feeding practices.
Our Logo

The original logo, a well-known Picasso drawing of a breastfeeding mother, was adapted to form the logo of the Innocenti Declaration on the protection, promotion and support of breastfeeding, which WABA acts on.
The mother and baby represent the importance of bonding and optimal care for children.
The frame of the logo signifies the support created in an enabling environment.
The 4 corners of the frame represent North, East, South and West – reflecting the global nature of WABA’s work.
To use the WABA logo, read our
WABA Organisational Structure
The WABA Organisational Structure consists of the following levels:
WABA Affiliates are individuals or organisations who joined WABA to dedicate themselves to the protection, promotion and support of breastfeeding. They are required to endorse the General Principles of WABA, submit an application form and to pay annual dues.
Partners are organisations that are committed to the protection, promotion and support of breastfeeding as all or part of their work, and who want to collaborate with WABA. They are required to agree with WABA’s goal and mandate. They must become Affiliates, enter into a Partnership Agreement with WABA and sign a Conflict of Interest and a Confidentiality Declaration to undertake a programme of work for a specified period of time. The agreement is drawn up by the Secretariat and a prospective Partner and then approved by the WABA Steering Council (SC). Partners may be Global Partners, Regional Partners, or Country (or National) Partners.
Steering Council
Represents regions and is the main policy-setting and decision-making body of WABA.

Felicity Savage

Rukhsana Haider

Dato Seri (Dr) Anwar Fazal
WABA Chairperson, Emeritus
WABA Local Board of Director
Representive of WABA Local Governance Council (LGC)

Nair Rosio Carrasco Sanez
Regional Representative (Latin America and the Caribbean)

Dr (PhD) Elisabeth Kyberg
Regional Representative (Europe)

Cathy Carothers
Regional Representative (North America)

Dexter Chagwena
Regional Representative

Dr Prashant Gangal
Regional Representative (Southeast Asia)

Janine Pinkham
Regional Representative (East Asia and the Pacific)
Local Governance Council
Serves the legal requirements of the WABA Berhad.

Dato Seri (Dr) Anwar Fazal
WABA Chairperson, emeritus
WABA Local Board of Director
SC member representing LGC

Dr Balkees Abdul Majeed
WABA Local Board of Director
Penang Mother to Mother Peer Support (Advisor)

Asso. Prof. Dr Zaharah Sulaiman (Phd)
Women’s Health Development Unit, Universiti Sains Malaysia (Head)

Prof. Dr Jacqueline Ho
Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland & University College Dublin, Malaysia Campus (Professor and Head of Paediatrics)

Dr Nadrah Arifin
Malaysian Breastfeeding Peer Counselor Association (President)
Ministry of Health (Epidemiology Officer)

Rokiah Don
Nutrition Division, Ministry of Health (Former Director)

Dato’ Dr Narimah Awin
UNFPA Country Office Malaysia (Technical Advisor)

Dr Noor Haliza
Consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist
International Advisory Council (IAC)
Provides expertise and advice on breastfeeding-related matters.
Manages WABA's activities.

Amal Omer Salim
Executive Director

Sita Letchmi
Consultant, Administration, Finance & Governance

Brian Chan Hong Yew
Consultant, Accounts & Financial Services

Revathi Ramachandran
Consultant, Program/Technical

Chuah Pei Ching
Consultant, Health & Information

Derchana Devi
Consultant, Administration/Governance Assistance

Kaliswarran Rao
Consultant, Governance/Network

Thinagaran Letchimanan
Consultant, EPC, Warm Chain & WBW
Collaborating Agencies/Organisations
Sponsorship & Funding Policy
WABA does not accept funds or gifts from companies manufacturing, distributing or marketing breastmilk substitutes, related equipment such as feeding bottles and teats, and complementary foods.