To use the WABA logo, please follow the 4 steps below:
STEP 1: Read our Copyright Notice:
WABA asserts all rights under the Berne Convention over the WABA logo. This copyright is subject to fair use, with appropriate attribution to WABA. Permission must always be sought before the image is used in any activity. The image must not be changed or used in any way that damages WABA’s reputation, whether by content, context or association. The WABA logo must not be used in any activity sponsored by manufacturers or distributors of breastmilk substitutes, related equipment such as feeding bottles and teats and/or complementary foods that undermine breastfeeding.
STEP 2: Write to us at with the following information:
– Are you receiving any sponsorship?
– Will there be any other logo/text accompanying the WABA logo?
STEP 3: Send us the final layout of how you intend to use the WABA logo. If you want to modify the logo, you must write to WABA explaining how and why you intend to modify it. WABA will review it and revert to you with a decision.
STEP 4: Credit WABA for usage of the logo.