- In Guatemala (Central America): 1st Youth Workshop for the Promotion of Breastfeeding and Humanised Childbirth
Guatemala’s first workshop took place on 9th December 2006, with the
support of IBFAN (International Baby Food Action Network), WABA (World
Alliance for Breastfeeding Action), The Birth Company and La Leche
League Guatemala (LLLG). The members who supported RUMBA, as lecturers,
at the event were: Melissa Pop (RUMBA Guatemala Coordinator), Mariana
de Petersen (LLLG), Viana Maza, (LLLG/RUMBA) and Rae Davies (The Birth
Company/WABA) on RUMBA, Breastfeeding and Humanised Childbirth.
(Red Unida por las Madres Bebés y su Alimento / United Network for
Mother’s Babies and their Nutrition) is a network integrated by a new
generation of young people who educate, support and promote the culture
of breastfeeding. The axis of work that RUMBA includes are education,
sensitisation and promotion of breastfeeding, humanised childbirth,
gender equality, sexual education and prevention of HIV/AIDS, paternity
and maternity protection and rights, among others. One of the assets of
RUMBA is that they are a group of young people coming from different
professional fields. RUMBA also has defined objectives and clear,
measurable and attainable goals, as evidenced by its many activities
undertaken so far. RUMBA envisions trainings for all members in
subjects like:
- Breastfeeding;
- Importance of breastfeeding, benefits for the mother and baby, the family and the environment.
- Correct and incorrect positions to nurse.
- Nutritional values of breastfeeding.
- Mother Kangaroo Programme;
- Importance of Natural Childbirth, and;
- Humanised Childbirth and the International Mother-Baby Friendly Initiative (IMBFI).
Visit www.rumbalac.org and www.rumba-guatemala.tk
for more info about RUMBA. Rae Davies, representative of WABA and The
Birth Company, presented on humanised childbirth and the IMBFI. A total
of 26 people attended this workshop and they were invited to endorse
RUMBA. In the activity there were 16 affiliated persons reaffirming
their commitment to participate and work in the matters that our
network promotes, protects and supports. They can collaborate in the
execution of RUMBA’s strategies, indicating and presenting the
importance of taking action in different themes of breastfeeding, its
relation with maternity-paternity rights and humanised childbirth.
Every participant was given a T-Shirt and a Certificate.
was an announcement of the event in a local FM radio. At the workshop,
there was a young reporter from “El Periódico”, a national newspaper.
After sensitisation though the workshop, he offered to help with the
cause for next year.
day, “El Periódico” offered an article to RUMBA, to describe the
network and benefits of breastfeeding. It was published on 15th
December 2006, in a special publication. The article also appeared in a
magazine for young people that carries news on music, sports, fashion,
social events and other topics for youth. It is a great achievement for
us, as a youth network, for our news to be published, because through
this promotion, we can let other people know about RUMBA and reach all
the people who are interested.
this year, more than 25 young people endorsed RUMBA in Guatemala, and
they committed to work hard to accomplish the goals of RUMBA. All our
activities were done with the sole objective to fulfill the commitment
required and accepted by RUMBA to expand the network in all the
countries in Latin America and the Caribbean. Nationally, we aim to get
Guatemalan youths to support, promote and protect the breastfeeding
culture. After the workshop we established contact with a group of
women who work with native communities of women in gender based
violence, discrimination by gender and gender inequality and other
related issues, so that RUMBA can visit these communities and support
by giving lectures and support in these matters.
doubt that RUMBA has been fortified and expanded its horizons, since
its foundation, for the life of the babies, mothers and their families.
In addition, it has impact the entire world and with pride, it is
possible to affirm that we are a group of people faithful to their
mission and ethical principles and eager to face any challenge for the
well-being of the present and future generations.
- In Pakistan: Interaction session with youth on Breastfeeding
Veins organised a one-hour interaction session with youth in the
Mohammad Khan village on youth & breastfeeding. The participants of
the session were student of class 9th & 10th (Ages 15-17) and were
students of the Government High School. They were all young men.
The Session was very interesting because early child marriages are very
prevalent in the area. Despite of their very young age, some of the
students were already married and had children.
They were very shy to talk about breastfeeding as they considered
breastfeeding as a “feminine issue” and the level of knowledge about
breastfeeding was very low. They were very interested to know more
about the WABA Youth Initiative and wanted to know more about the
activities of youth in relation to breastfeeding. They showed a high
level of interest in father support groups & requested for an
out-of-school activity to inform the community about father support
guys initially thought that they can not play any role in the
breastfeeding practice because they even felt shy to talk about it with
their wives. Because of the large family system, they have very little
influence in decision making, even about their own lives. If they try
to help their wives to breastfeed their babies, the older women (their
mothers & grandmothers) and their wives will not like it, as they
consider it something not suitable for their husbands to do. However,
after the session, they changed their minds. Local community
elders, influential & a famous religious scholar of the area were
also present in the session. They highly appreciated the idea of youth
involvement in breastfeeding & father support.
The religious scholar of the area also encouraged youth to get involved
and get more accurate knowledge about breastfeeding because Muslim
women are encouraged by religion to breastfeed their babies, and if men
can help and encourage women in this process, they will be rewarded by
God Almighty. For more information, please contact Qamar Nassem (bveins@hotmail.com).
- In Korea: New initiative started in East Asia (EABA Youth)
16th December 2006, a new YOUth initiative was born, EABA Youth. (East
Asia of Breastfeeding Action Youth) In this meeting, there were
participants from Korea, Mongolia and China. There were presentations
on the WABA Youth Initiative, RUMBA and a discussion on developing an
action plan for short-term, mid-term and long-term activities for this
newly born initiative. The participants were invited to complete the
WABA Youth Initiative Endorsement. For more information on this
initiative and how to become a part of this, please contact Min Sang-Hee (sanghee0502@yahoo.com).
- At the WABA Secretariat in Penang, Malaysia
WABA’s Youth Initiative is a great opportunity where the youth can find
a place to work and collaborate to improve breastfeeding protection
towards families, mothers and babies’ rights. This is where the main
actors are the youth. Our training on these issues is very important
and absolutely necessary, if we think of the future. Having the
opportunity to work with WABA for the last three months, I felt I have
grown as an individual. The skills and knowledge I had gained was also
important for my work at LACMAT/RUMBA and, what can I do in my region.
I think it’s important for youth to continue learning and growing in
our work to promote families and especially babies’ health rights."
– Santiago Vallone, LACMAT/RUMBA, Argentina, who was at the WABA
Secretariat in Penang, Malaysia from October 2006 till January 2007.
Pop, 21, from RUMBA (Guatemala), was working in WABA, for a little more
than a month, since November 2006. Hanns worked on youth and
breastfeeding projects, with the objective to get youth interested in
breastfeeding issues; and to develop young advocates and involve them
to protect, promote and sustain breastfeeding. “To be able to work
in one of the leading organisations on the matters that you’ve been
surrounded all you life, and see them in action is a wonderful
experience. Everyone at the office is special. I’m really thankful for
this opportunity not only to get to know another country, nor other
continent, but the things that are most important, the people and the
organisation. The experience so far has been very good, I been able to
watch how WABA works and I tried my best to help and be useful in
whatever I can. Things went really well, I can say that if the
opportunity comes again I will not hesitate to come back. I’ve been
involved in many projects, helping with the WABALink, brochures,
websites, newsletters, and the Resource Centre. There is always
something to work on. So, a special thanks to everyone at the WABA
Secretariat! Kooopi Peeeeennngg!".