The Warm Chain places the mother-baby dyad at the core and follows the first 1,000 days timeline. It strives to link different actors by coordinating efforts at all levels to provide a continuum of care. Each actor or link in the Warm Chain may already be part of an existing initiative. With consistent message and proper referral system throughout the warm chain, the mother-baby dyad will benefit from ongoing support and skilled assistance. All mothers are then empowered with a more satisfying and effective breastfeeding experience
International Board Certified Lactation Consultants (IBCLCs) play a multi-disciplinary role that straddles generalized support for breastfeeding and allied health care. This improves maternal and infant survival, health and well being throughout the antenatal, birth and postnatal periods.
Midwives have powerful influence on women’s decision to the breastfeed and on the success of her breastfeeding experience. Quality midwifery care improves maternal and infant survival, health and wel-being throughout the antenatal, birth and postnatal periods.
Here is how breastfeeding is linked to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and contributes to global maternal and infant survival, health and well-being.

Download Warm Chain Information Cards (pdf)
- Introduction
- Postcard
- For IBCLCs
- For Midwives
- For Nutritionists and Dietitians
- For Paediatricians
- For Academia
Warm Chain of support for breastfeeding Seed grant Project
We are pleased to inform you that WABA is offering Warm Chain of support for breastfeeding seed grants that will catalyse activities to protect, promote and support the links of the warm chain. This is in line with the Warm Chain of Support campaign that strives to link different actors by coordinating efforts at all levels to provide a continuum of care, from conception to the postpartum period and up to two years of age. WABA and its’ partners aim to explore and develop a conceptual framework that can help to ensure that effective support is coordinated, integrated, and scaled up in health services and the community to achieve sustained high breastfeeding rates around the world.
Applications with projects that focus on either starting a project or strengthening an existing effort to create an enabling environment for mother to continue breastfeed will be considered. The amount for a seed grant will range between USD 1000–USD 3000 per project. We welcome projects with a range of supportive interventions and best practice models that can be adapted widely to support a breastfeeding mother.
Read Concept Note
Application Form
Interested in getting more information on how you can support the mother-baby dyad along the warm chain and link with other actors from your country/region? Then please complete this survey to identify your roles along the Warm Chain: